Dentons & ECDYS OpenLab : collaborative redesign of its intranet

Dentons chose ECDYS OpenLab for supporting the massively collaborative redesign of its intranet

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Famous leading law firm Dentons launched the reinvention of its european intranet based on a collective intelligence approach mobilizing all lawyers and staff over 18 countries in Europe.
In this video, Marie Bernard, Director of Innovation and Knowledge, presents the approach and gives her feed back.

In a law firm, content sharing and knowledge management are key for the performance, the productivity and the quality of service : reuse of existing knowledge, acceleration of learning ability of newcomers, improved decision-making, mobilization of personnel…

Dentons, a world class leader, led with ECDYS OpenLab™ a collective intelligence approach for reinventing the intranet of the company, with a strong ambition of integrating new technologies and concepts.
For 12 weeks, 1.800 lawyers and staff representing 18 offices were invited to participate in the design their system.

Marie Bernard presents the key issues of the project, regarding both short and mid term. She describes the different steps to gain buy-in, test various concepts and deliver a blueprint of the intranet-to-be and its road map.
She points out the key success factors for providing a momentum, leading to identify lead users and future beta testers and consolidating a genuine cultural change.


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